Emblem and Banner of the Pilsen Region


Emblem of the Pilsen Region
Banner of the Pilsen Region
The Pilsen Region emblem was designed based on a public commission. The modern French style emblem is divided into four sections:
1st field
A silver-crowned Czech lion looking to the left while leaping against a red field is a symbol of Czech statehood and Bohemia, the location of the region in the country (i.e., not in Moravia or Silesia).
2nd field
A two-humped golden camel walking to the right against a green background is derived from Pilsen’s emblem. The second oldest feature on the emblem was added by Emperor Zikmund after 1433 and alludes to an episode from the Hussite Wars. While the people of Pilsen were battling soldiers who had surrounded the city, they captured a camel which the Hussites had received as a gift from the Polish king.
3rd field
Silver and golden beam against a green field. The green field symbolises the forested border of the region – the Bohemian Forest (Šumava) and Upper Palatinate Forest (Český les). Besides the centre, the border is also
a very important “natural” sign of the region. The region’s location near the German border has been reflected in the region’s history in almost every era. Battles were fought and castles were built here in the Middle Ages; the airtight border personified the entire region before the 1989 revolution; at present the border, and with it the entire region, has transformed into a symbolic gate to the European Union. The two beams symbolise the two main rivers that lead water through the region: the silver beam represents the Berounka and the golden beam the gold-bearing Otava. The catchment areas of the two rivers cover the entire area of the region.
4th field
Silver rotunda against a red field. The field refers to the Rotunda of St. Peter in Old Pilsen, the oldest preserved building in the Czech Republic. This shrine was the central church of Old Pilsen, the region’s first administrative centre. The field in the Emblem primarily represents the region’s rich history and spiritual traditions.
Official bodies of the Pilsen Region (the Assembly, the Council, the President and the Regional Authority) and organisations established or founded by the Pilsen Region are entitled to use the region’s official symbols (Emblem and banner). Other entities and individuals may use the symbols only under the conditions of use set out in these rules and after entering into a written contract.
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Logo of the Pilsen Region

Logo of the Pilsen Region
The logo of the Pilsen Region is formed by the inscription Pilsen Region, which is accompanied by three dynamic curves. The characteristics of the Pilsen Region can be interpreted from the logo’s shape and colours on several meaningful levels:
Integration with the EU – the central (green) curve symbolises the bridge connecting the Pilsen Region (Czech Republic) with the European Union, commemorated by the colours of the curves which border it (blue and gold).
The area, nature – the shape and colour of the central (green) curve evoke an area filled with forests and meadows. The lower (blue) oblong tear-shaped curve represents flowing water, and the upper (golden) curve is the colour of the sun.
The duality of rural settlements and an industrial centre – the blue curve represents a traditional, conservative element; the golden curve represents a dynamic, modern element. Both elements cannot exist without a mutual relationship to nature – here symbolised by the central green curve.
The unified whole, created by opposite poles – the blue curve (a cold colour), expressing a conservative approach and traditional values, is the opposite of the golden curve (a warm colour) representing
a modern approach, energy, creative potential and forward-looking approach. The central curve represents a neutral element dividing (and at the same time uniting) the two curves. Where one curve is lost, the second one appears. In this way, the mutually connected curves create a cohesive whole whose elements influence each other.
The dynamics of the region – the dynamic and compact shapes of the logo’s curves kindles an association between Pilsen Region, dynamics and cohesion.
The entire logo represents the entrance gate to the region.
The logo may be used by official bodies of the Pilsen Region (Assembly, Council, President, Regional Authority) and organisations established or founded by the Pilsen Region. Other entities and individuals may use the logo only under the conditions of use set out in these rules and after entering into a a written contract.
The Czech, English and German language versions of the Pilsen Region logo are protected under
a trademark registered at the Industrial Property Office in Prague. No other subject is entitled to use or imitate these registered trademarks without the express permission of the Pilsen Region. The registered trademarks may be used with the trademark sign ®. The trademarks in publications, press releases, promotional materials, presentations, giveaways and similar are designed to enhance the prestige, competitiveness and image of the Pilsen Region and guarantee protection against misuse.
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